five basic photography principles

read this on offstone and found it interesting… it’s instructional, inspirational, comforting and humbling all at once.

5 Basic Photography Principles

1. Photographers are not primarily interested in photographs. They have a focused energy and enthusiasm which is directed at an outside, physically present, other. They bring to this subject an exaggerated sense of curiosity, backed up by knowledge gleaned from reading, writing, talking, note taking.

2. The photographer transmits this passion in “the other itself” by making pictures, therefore the subject must lend itself to a visual medium, as opposed to, say, writing about it.

3. The photographer must assiduously practice his/her craft so that there is no technical impediment bewteen realizing the idea and transmitting it through the final print.

4. The photographer must have the ability to analyze the components of the subject-idea so that a set of images not only reflects the basic categories but also displays visual variety. Intense, clear thinking is a prerequisite to fine photography.

5. The photographer is aware that, like all difficult endeavors, to be good at photography requires an unusual capacity for continuous hardwork and……….

Good Luck!

Quoted from “On Being a Photographer” (2001) by

David Hurn/Magnum, &
Bill Jay/Lens Work